
Stars and royalty shown in their Crocs, brand responds

June 19, 2015

The media coverage of Crocs on the rich and famous continues. It started with Alan Cumming and then Helen Mirren in April on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.” This week, Britain’s Prince George wore Crocs to his dad’s polo game and was caught by paparazzi doing such things as walking with his mom, playing with a truck and hitting a miniature polo stick. People Magazine covered it all.

Through our #FindYourFun campaign, Crocs has taken advantage of this pop culture moment by asking consumers to post pictures of their Crocs-wearing celebrity or royalty on social media, both organically and with paid media support.

Initial results of the paid ads, which received thousands of likes and several photos posted within 24 hours, are great. Or, as the Brits would say, “Brilliant.”