
Data strategist Calderon-Roman: Embrace your boredom

March 30, 2020

For some, the coronavirus seems to have provided world
enough and time to do all the things they’ve been meaning to, wanting to, or
imagining how to — and maybe feeling guilty for not having cranked out their
long-awaited masterpiece already.

But for McKinney Data Strategist Brianna Calderon-Roman, who
herself is often driven to create, it’s a time to embrace — and perhaps treat
yourself — to the boredom all this free time has provided. As she points out in
Little Black Book, “Spending time with
your art and learning new things can be incredibly healthy,” says
Calderon-Roman. “But what if this time isn’t just an opportunity to do more?
What if the real opportunity we have right now is to allow ourselves to be

you’d like to feel a little less guilty about not knocking out that passion
project of yours, you can read everything Calderon-Roman has to say on the
matter here in Little
black Book