April 18, 2012
You heard it here. According to VCU Brand Center Director Rick Boyko, Jonathan Cude’s presentation at the school’s Friday Forum was “one of the most engaging presentations we’ve ever had.”
In “Thoughts on Advertising,” Cude shared stories of how he got into the industry. “Not only were they hilarious but as the students prepare to look for internships and jobs, it’s inspiring for them to hear about his humble beginnings,” said Boyko. “I hope they will take to heart the lessons Cude learned along the way.”
“I’m sure you expect me to talk about my brilliant career and why I am so (expletive) brilliant,” Cude told the 200 students in attendance. “But I’m not going to bore you with that. I brought some VCU alums to do it for me.” He introduced McKinney Junior Account Planner Lindsey Neeld, Copywriter David Sloan and Creative Technologist Josh Souter, who shared a glimpse of what to expect from agency life.
Perhaps most appreciated by the students was the happy hour on the deck at Baja. “It was a cool way to just let loose and talk,” said VCU student and past McKinney intern Paul Davis. “A lot of time we’re put in positions where we feel like we have to give a three-minute pitch about ourselves and ‘how we landed in advertising’ or something like that. This just felt like a bunch of friends chillin’. Other agencies should take note.”