March 25, 2021
In the Ragan white paper, “What a Return to Office might look like — and when,” McKinney CEO Joe Maglio revealed his thoughts and plans for the agency returning to its offices in Durham and LA by this fall.
Taking into account the physical and mental well-being of McKinney employees, Maglio addressed the variables and unknowns, “That’s been the biggest challenge, Maglio said. “What do we, as a leadership and executive team, think is best for our people and our clients?”
With 80% of McKinney employees across three offices saying they would feel comfortable returning to work after receiving a vaccine, Maglio is eyeing a post–Labor Day return for much of McKinney.
And while there is a lot in store for McKinneyites in Durham — including converting its two outdoor decks into “conference rooms,” complete with TVs, white boards, and phone lines — it’s the opening of McKinney’s new space in the resurgent West Adams neighborhood of LA that has Maglio most excited.
Maglio sees McKinney being an active partner to help build West Adams’ spirit and culture. “We wanted to be in a neighborhood that wasn’t fully established, to have a positive role in the community — to bring people in and bring business in,” said Maglio. You can download the full Ragan white paper here.